Donnerstag, 26. Mai 2011

Visit from Austria (May 19th-23rd)

On Thursday, May 19th (Joe's B-Day (I gave him a frame with a picture of the kids and a bottle of my uncle's wine)) after more than an hour delay, my friends and siblings finally arrived!! :D Of course I picked them up, but I had to drive two times since we have a small new car (mini)...
Then on Friday in the morning I had to keep the kids quiet that they don't wake them up, especially Ronan, he always wanted to go in the basement to meet my brother, to play soccer with him and show him all his Star Wars stuff... so cute..
Then after I dropped of Ronan at school Maeve and I baked some pancakes for them. After breakfast we walked to the Capitol and back home, since Maeve needed her nap...
Later we went together to pick up Ronan from school and to play some baseball at the park :D Unfortunately I forgot the soccer ball, because Ronan really wanted to play soccer, but he also had fun at playing baseball!!
After work we went to Vapiano for Dinner and to Fado's to meet my friends (Vanessa, Bianca, Carol and Christopher). After some beers and a confused and crying waitress (we needed 1 hour to pay)we changed to Rocket bar where we had another beer.
The next morning we got up early and went to a fun park called Six Flags. We took the most exciting roller coaster rides and then we went to the water park... it was really funny there, I think I have to go there again! ;-)
After we came home and changed we went to some clubs like Lotus, unfortunately it wasn't that great...
And on Sunday we walked again to the Capitol and after we met Vanesa we marched together to the Mall, the Monument, the Jefferson Memorial, the Roosevelt Memorial, the Korean Memorial, the Lincoln Memorial, the World War II Memorial and of course to the White House!! :D And after this exhausting day I also had to cook a typical meal for my hostfamily and my austrian friends.. at least I had my sister who helped me preparing... we had Wiener Schnitzel with Salad and Asparagus. It was really yummy and I think my hosts really enjoyed this evening! :D
After my hostmum put the kids down we stayed a little longer with Joe and had some beer and talked a little more..
And on Monday in the morning I went with Maeve and the others to the Air and Space Museum, again!!
And then after Maeve' nap I already had to say good-bye! :(

And this week I also watched the movie "Bridesmaids" which was hilarious!! u guys really need to watch this movie. It was the funniest movie I saw in a very long time.

Yeah and this weekend (Memorial Day weekend) I'll go to Maine and the Acadia Park!! I really look forward to it, because I heart that it's supposed to me nice up there... and next week I am going to Chicago to meet my friend Natascha!! :D

playing baseball :)

Austrian Dinner :D

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