On Friday I went with Vanesa and Bianca to Boston, (Unfortunately our flight had a delay of more than an hour)where we rented a car and drove up to Bar Harbor. But because of the flight delay we arrived there at 5 a.m!!! It was horrible!!! Then after a couple hours of sleep we headed to the Acadia Park, which was just awesome!! It is the second most visited park in the USA by the way... Anyway.. we drove the Park Loop Road and stopped when we saw nice places to take some pictures. Unfortunately it was kinda foggy, but it was still amazing.. I think that the fog gave the park a special note!! :D I really loved the Beach with it's red rocky cliffs and the hike up to the south bubble. The "bubble" is a rock lying on the edge of a cliff! It looked great, but I think it was kinda dangerous, because if I would have slipped I would have fallen all the way down the cliff!! And of course we took some funny pictures with this rock!! I for example pretended to push the rock down the cliff and behind we was a guy shouting "Don't push too hard" and later he yelled "Do u need help to push it down?" It was soo funny!!
Yeah.. we also drove up Cadillac Mountain where u are supposed to have a great view, but we didn't see anything since it was soo foggy. And it was also very windy, I already started to imagine how it's like to go skydiving, because I really felt blown away! :P
After Acadia Park we drove down to Bass Harbor to see the Bass Harbor Lighthouse. It was a nice one, but not my favorite...
After that we drove down the maine coast to see some more Lighthouses, but we hardly saw some, because most of them were situated on an island (and they were too small to see)
Then we went to the Rockland Breakwater Lighthouse where we had to walk around 15 minutes on a path out to the sea. And of course it was foggy again, but this time it was really cool, because the path looked kind of mysterious and never ending.
And finally we went to our last Lighthouse which was also the most beautiful one!! :D Besides it was the only day on which it was sunny! :-) And after we left a little too late we got stuck in traffic (because of Memorial Day Weekend) and all of us were really concerned that we miss our flight back to DC.. We already checked other flights which were too expensive, then we tried to find a cheap bus, but in the end the traffic cleared up and we made it in time to the airport, in fact we actually had to wait around 15 minutes! :P
Then back in DC we got stuck in the Metro, because I was chatting with Bianca and so we didn't pay attention to the metro announcement which told us to leave the metro.. so the metro left with only me and bianca in it.. in the end one of this metro guys found us after 5 minutes and they dropped us off at the metro station where we were supposed to get out..
That was a realy exciting weekend!!
Today was an awful day.. we had aroun 36 °C and it was also very humid.. so I had to stay the whole day inside with the kids..
But luckily this week is a short work week, because tomorrow I am going to visit my friend Natascha in Chicago and I really look forward to it!! :D
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